DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Pedal - Yellow Finish

DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Pedal - Yellow Finish

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DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Pedal - Yellow Finish

The Overdrive Preamp 250 is a reissue of DOD’s legendary yellow, 1980s-era dirt box.

This pedal delivers the same sonic signature as its predecessor but ups the ante with more output, a bright blue status LED, a modern 9-volt DC power supply input, true-bypass switching, and a lighter aluminum housing. 

The 250 boasts a straightforward 2-knob control layout, with Gain and Level knobs, enabling you to produce both subtle clipping and full-on distortion, as well as all the points between.

You can use this stompbox as a standalone effect, or you can use it to front load a British-voiced high-gain amp for instant Yngwie Malmsteen–style lead tones.

Decked out in an eye-catching yellow metallic flake finish, the DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 is back in all its screeching, roaring glory.


  • DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Pedal - Yellow Finish
  • Overdrive Type
  • Analog Design
  • 1 x 1/4" Input
  • 1 x 1/4" Output
  • True Bypass Switching
  • Gain, Level Knobs
  • 9V DC Power Supply (Sold Separately)
  • 1 x 9V Battery Option
  • 2.25" H x 2.63" W x 4.68" D 
  • 0.62 Lbs Approx
  • Authorized Dealer

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3 reviews
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good pedal. Depends on your taste. I use a tube marshall amp and a vintage strat and I fiend for that tube sound. Solid state sound gives me nightmares. If you don't know what I mean, get a tube amp and you'll never go back. Do yourself the favor. K. The old gray dod250s from the 70's are sought after. They go upwards $400+ on eBay easily and climbing. It gave a tube sound and worked well with tube amps. On my tube Marshall this version of the 250 pedal sounds very transistory. Not bad in and of itself, but bad if you like tube sound. This pedal makes my (single coil pups) strat and tube amp sound like a solid state humbucker cheese fest. No matter how much tweaking. Even with an EQ pedal I don't normally use. It was cheese. And that's hard to do. I find the most kick butt strat sound comes from a YJM308 dod preamp overdrive. Better than the 'vintage' Ibanez tube screamer and dod 250. It is tubey and super crunchy and toney when used with a strat and a tube amp, simply cause it preserves the high frequencies better, which is my preference. Less of the muddy low end growl you think of when you think vintage dod 250. So why did I get this pedal if I love my dod 308? Because I wanted to have mike do a 741 mod to this 250 to clone the vintage 250. Just to essentially have a vintage 250 for one quarter the price, and not 40 yrs old and possibly about to blow a resister or capacitor. Just as an effect option when my mood calls for its particular sound. Well, the point is, mike can't do the mojo 741 mod on this pedal cause everything is soldered to the board - alla cheap mass production Chinese style. He could 741 mod the 308 but I love it how it is. Soooo.....the previous yellow - not this new gold sparkly - version of this pedal can be 741 mod'd. As can the old yellow reissue version. Any of the post-gray (70's vintage) versions of these can. But not this one. so this transistory 250 will be sent packing. Anyways, that's my story. I figured it'll help people who know what I'm talking about; and intrigue those who don't; enough that it opens knowledge and experimental doors to them. When you find that holy grail yngwie strat sound: that combo of a vintage sounding preamp OD, with high a 'gain', low 'level' setting, and a tube amp, you'll send your obviates distortion pedals to the dung heap! So if you like warm, humbuckery, transistory type sound, you'll like this pedal. If not, get a 308.
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Great pedal! Not only for the money, but for the quality and sound it produces. I already have a DOD 308 YJM and this DOD250 reissue has a better bass response. Sounds great with a Strat or Gibson SG plugged into a VOX AC30CC2X with Alnico Blue speakers. Great choice to take your clean amp or semi-clean into break up / overdrive territory. True-bypass and LED make it very useful and pedalboard friendly. This pedal has become a basic part of my board setup (picture) and will be staying for a long time.
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Ugly as sin but sounds totally kick@$$. I have a clone of this pedal which I became very attached to. I'm making a new minimal pedal board/case for traveling which includes only my "always-on" pedals so I bought some duplicates or even replacements. This came in cheaper than my clone and is hard to tell apart(not always the case with a reissue). I use it in combination with compression and sometimes not. It sounds great either way. See the GearMannDude review of it. He loves it and even makes the clone I bought (Time Bomb Boost). I love them both. Yeah, DOD color is hideous but I consider that another cool retro feature, having already made it through the sound test. Since it seems comparable to the Time Bomb Boost, I would say that it, too, plays well with other distortions/effects. Very happy with both. I would recommend either this pedal or the Time Bomb Boost from GearMannDude. I went with DOD this time because I was curious if the pedals were really similar. If I had it to do over, would probably pay more and go with GearMannDude because he's an awesome dude and for all he does for the effects pedal purchasing community and, well, the pedals are nearly identical. He actually pimped my TBB with a pinup decal. Advantages of the boutique producer. ;)
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